Oriented follows the lives of three gay Palestinian friends confronting their national and sexual identities in Tel Aviv. Khader is a Tel Aviv “Darling” from a prominent Muslim family living with his Jewish boyfriend David and their Dalmatian Otis. Fadi is an ardent Palestinian nationalist who finds himself falling in love with an Israeli “Zionist.” Naim must confront his family with the truth about his sexuality. All three are conflicted by their desire for change in the face of a seemingly hopeless situation. Inspired by post-colonial theorist Edward Said’s theories of Orientalism, first-time British filmmaker Jake Witzenfeld carefully crafts a fly-on-the-wall portrait of three friends navigating the possibilities of life and love in contemporary Tel Aviv. Jake Witzenfeld 2015 | Documentary | 81 min Arabic and Hebrew with English subtitles The Brattle Theater 40 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02140 Saturday, April 2, 2:30 pm Co-presented with the